In collaboration with producers and agronomists, Rainstick is applying Variable Electrical Field (VEF) technology to improve seed germination growth into seedlings. 

Together, our focus is sustainable and resilient crops.

We are focused on increasing the yield of food crops without altering on-farm practices.

Working with existing seed treatment companies and key producers, Rainstick is a complementary process similar to how conventional chemical-based seed treatments work today.

Farmers are already buying treated seeds from seed treatment facilities. The farmer is not required to adopt new on-farm technology.

We target key indicators for great yields

An increased germination rate which increases the viable yield of the planted crop, and lowers the number of seeds that are required.

Accelerated seedling emergence and conformity which ensure a consistent crop and simplify harvesting processes.

Improved seedling ‘vigour’ which increases the plants ability to absorb nutrients, out-compete invasive weeds and withstand pests and bacteria all of which lead to increased yield.

Seeds of tomorrow.

We welcome agronomists, nurseries and seed breeders to share your challenges, solutions and curiosities.  And, we look to find new avenues for true value creation.

Collaborate with Rainstick toward a sustainable food future.